People we help
At Kingsway Compounding we care about people's health and well-being, finding solutions at all stages in life
We help people throughout all of their life stages. Whether someone is healthy and wants to focus on future prevention and health maintenance or whether a person has serious health conditions, Kingsway Compounding is focussed on providing the best, personalised solution for our patients.
We have solutions that help to overcome the challenges of administering medicines and ensuring compliance with our youngest population. We share your goal in working hard to keep infants strong and healthy during some of their most challenging years.
Toddlers and Young Children
Most children are fragile; they should not be given the standard doses or artificial dyes found in many commercially manufactured medications. They require treatment tailored to their size and medical requirements. This is where a compounding pharmacy enables physicians to provide such customised therapies.
Compounding is a practice that can benefit people throughout their lives and is not limited to the proportion of the population that is suffering from illness and disease. Engaging with your integrative practitioner(s) and Kingsway Compounding can play a vital role in helping to maintain your overall energy levels to achieve balance and avoid illness to be at your absolute optimum.
Seniors tend to visit their practitioners more than they have ever before due to numerous factors affecting their health. Another major issue is that many seniors are hospitalised due to the improper use of commercial medication. A lot of people don’t realise that many of their issues can be avoided with specifically compounded medicines and this could save them in time, money and add to their quality of life.
Families and Fertility
Working towards having a family can be very exciting and at the same time can create a lot of pressure for women and men prior to falling pregnant, whilst they are pregnant and the short to medium term after their child is born. There is a lot that can be done to promote health with fertility, in-utero and post birth with a mix of a healthy lifestyle including exercise, diet and where required compounded vitamins and medicines.